
History of pasta

Pasta is a type of food from italian cuisine, made out of unleavened wheat dough, that is formed into various shapes. Evidence of people creating pasta dates back to 400 B.C. In the 1st century, a type of food called lagana was an everyday food. Also, a cookbook found that dates back to 5th century describes a dish of meat stuffed into dough. This is an ancestor of modern day lasagna. Dry pasta (Which you will learn about in the 'types' section) was an exquisite and expensive food, due to the high amounts of labor it took to create it. A legend tells also of Marco Polo importing pasta from China.



Pasta is a predominant dish in italian cuisine made of unleavened dough, consisting of wheat flour, eggs and/or water mixed together. The two main types of pasta are dried and fresh. Fresh pasta is a locally produced food, unless to be shipped, and does not expand in water, so 0.7 kg is needed to feed an amount of 4 people generously. Fresh egg pasta is a fresh pasta, and usually goes well with various ingredients such as, but not limited to meat, cheese and/or vegetables, which can create various stuffed pastas as ravioli, tortellini and cannelloni, which are common among the regions Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna of Northern Italy. Dry pasta is a dry pasta that is factory-made. It can be cooked like fresh pasta, put has a longer shelf life, so is usually made for shipping uses. It must be dried at a low temperature to evaporate moisture and can be served in dishes with ragu, which is an italian meat sauce. Unlike fresh pasta, dried pasta will expand once cooked, so 0.5 kg are needed to feed four people.


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Pasta types

Welcome to Pasta Palace!

Humankind has created numerous inventions. But one invention: Pasta, spans human history. This website was created to honor the legacy of this italian food that still leaves a mark on our world today. The shapes come in different dimensions and sizes, but all are similarly made. Each type of pasta originates from different reigons of Italy. Unusual types of pasta, like gobetti, fagotinni and orzo, are shaped differently then your typical spaghetti and penne pasta. Though shapes may vary, pasta is a famous food that makes Italy, Italy.
